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Galactic Hot Spoon WarsThis is a stock cover image. We regularly add new custom covers so come back tomorrow to see if we've made one for you.

Galactic Hot Spoon Wars

A Science Fiction Plot
by J. L. Fozzhey

A long, long time ago in a hot, hot galaxy...

After leaving the hilly planet Solaris, a group of robots fly toward a distant speck. The speck gradually resolves into a sizzling, space skyscraper.

Civil war strikes the galaxy, which is ruled by Kevin McCallister, an old-fashioned gremlin capable of fraud and even abduction.

Terrified, a grubby troll known as Flora Plumb flees the Empire, with her protector, Maud Randall.

They head for Liverpool on the planet Abydos. When they finally arrive, a fight breaks out. Randall uses her hot spoon to defend Flora.

Randall and Troll Flora decide it's time to leave Abydos and steal a space rocket to shoot their way out.

They encounter a tribe of men. Randall is attacked and the troll is captured by the men and taken back to Liverpool.

Randall must fight to save Troll Flora but when she accidentally unearths a sunny book, the entire future of the hot, hilly galaxy is at stake.

Created on 2nd March 2016.

Auto Praise for Galactic Hot Spoon Wars

"I really, really, really hope that Randall saves Troll Flora because I love this story soooooo much!"
- The Daily Tale
"An old-fashioned gremlin, a tribe of men and a grubby troll - haven't we seen this before somewhere?"
- Enid Kibbler

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