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Lick of a ScottishThis is a stock cover image. We regularly add new custom covers so come back tomorrow to see if we've made one for you.

Lick of a Scottish

A Paranormal Romance
by planck

Hiipfire Bloggs suspected something was a little off when his dazzling roomate tried to lick him when he was just six years old. Nevertheless, he lived a relatively normal life among other humans.

It wasn't until he bumped into the devilishly tall Scottish, zeFrosty Bloggs, that his life finally began to make sense.

However, zeFrosty proved to be ginger and seemed to have an unhealthy obsession with casting. Hiipfire soon learnt that zeFrosty had taken an oath never to smell a human being.

When Hiipfire's dazzling roomate is injured in a freak casting accident accident, Hiipfire realises his own life is at risk.

Despite zeFrosty's ginger hair and iron brew breath, Hiipfire finds himself falling for the Scottish. Only fate will decided whether he kills or protects him.

One night, a dutch appears before Hiipfire and warns him of a darkness within zeFrosty. The dutch gives Hiipfire the peculiar rocket launcher - the only weapon that can defeat a tall Scottish.

Will Hiipfire find it in himself to kill the only creature who has ever made him feel truly salty? (Hint: yes!)

Created on 18th October 2017.

Auto Praise for Lick of a Scottish

"Oh my golly gosh - where can I find myself a tasty tall Scottish?"
- The Daily Tale
"Oh please! Like a human would ever be able to kill a Scottish with a peculiar rocket launcher!"
- Enid Kibbler
"I didn't like the dazzling roomate at all and was glad when the freak casting accident accident happened."
- Hit the Spoof
"The blurb spoilt the plot. I don't need to read it now."
- Zob Gloop

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