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The Good Nanny

A Romance Novel
by AriaFan

What would you do if you knew there were cold-blooded slaves with shocking habits near the ones you love?

Aria Jenneth had not known love or loss until she risked loosing her devoted lover Nauplius the Khanid.

Her innocent life is shattered when her learns that cold-blooded slaves plan to curse Nauplius and she knows she has to stop them or her heart will die.

At three, the nanny from Gottin's Lamp is both little and cute. But will it be enough to protect Nauplius?

She goes to a prayer in Red Temple where she acquires some bloody daggers and slaver hounds. It finally seems that she will be able to stop the slaves that want to curse Nauplius.

However, when Nauplius calls, begging her to come home, Aria is forced to decide what is more important: stopping the cold-blooded slaves that curse each other, or preserving her relationship with her lover?

AriaFan delivers a brave and poignant story that explores the love between a nanny and her lover.

Created on 16th December 2017.

Auto Praise for The Good Nanny

"Never have there been more chilling villains than cold-blooded slaves that curse each other."
- The Daily Tale
"Are we seriously supposed to find a little and cute nanny from Gottin's Lamp heroic?"
- Enid Kibbler


2 | 0 | 2

All Time Rank: 4102 out of 795832
(We added the voting feature on 14th December 2017)

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